Where to Begin

You should start developing your portfolio by first doing a self- assessment. Evaluate what you have to offer and what the best ways are to market your assets. You should decide which skills and experience you have will relate to the needs of the interviewer, or what you would most like the interviewer to see. If you don't have much work experience- most students don't – you'll need to mine your school work, volunteer work, and hobbies for evidence of the relevant skills you know you have. For example, if you did event promotions for a campus organization, include a copy of flyer or poster you designed.

Organizing Your Portfolio

  1. 1. You should keep your portfolio in a professional three- ring binder.
  2. 2. Come up with a organizational system of categories to put your items together. Sample categories are as follows: Work Experience, Education Awards & Certificates, Special Skills, Personal Accomplishments, and Background. Use tabs or dividers to separate the various categories.
  3. 3. Your Portfolio should be no more than 25 pages. The shorter it is the better because an employer will only really absorb 6-10 samples.

Portfolio Preparation

A portfolio is a visual archive of your artistic accomplishments that demonstrates your ability and potential as an artist. Students are encouraged to present a series of images that represents current interests. Also, the portfolio should document additional work that demonstrate an awareness of formal visual organization principles and experience with a variety of tools, media, styles, and approaches. Every visual arts college has its own specific portfolio requirements. You should research the portfolio requirements for each school to which you are planning to apply.

Why to Have a Portfolio?

  1. 1. Distinguish yourself from the competition.
  2. 2. Turn the interview into an offer.
  3. 3. Increase the salary offer by impressing the interviewer.
  4. 4. It is tangible proof of your abilities.
  5. 5. It might help you get promoted.
  6. 6. It can help you find the position that is right for you!